Capable of providing up to 350 km (217 mi) of range to an EV in 10 minutes or less .
Charges any EV on the market, automatically choosing the correct power level for each model’s battery .
Built for any environment, thriving in temperature from – 35 °C to +50 °C (-31 °F to +122 °F).
Engineered for safety, with standard cable management for hazard reduction .
Access to real-time data.
Solar Energy System
Solar energy has emerged as a powerful and accessible solution. Solar energy systems, utilizing the abundant power of the sun, have gained popularity worldwide as an efficient and clean alternative to traditional energy sources.
Solar energy systems represent a beacon of hope for a sustainable and cleaner energy future. As technology advances and awareness grows, the widespread adoption of solar power holds the potential to revolutionize the way we generate and consume energy, paving the way for a greener and more resilient planet.